Triathlon 2 - Timberman, Gilford NH Story*Training*Injury*Schedule*Spectators*Statistics

I ran this one last year, and thought I'd give it a try again.

I spent more time training in the pool with Addie, my swim coach.

Race time forecast was for Thunderstorms, but all we had was rain, and mid sixties. The water felt great at 72 with the wet suit on.

I lined up in the back again, with the first timers. This would prove to be a mistake, as my progress was hampered throughout the entire swim as people stopped swimming in front of me.

When I finished, I felt as though I could have doubled the distance. I took off better than 10 minutes (though it is tough to tell, since the distance on the first one wasn't accurate).

Out of the water, and up the ramp, I passed Shannon and Wyatt and gave them a high 5.

Transition took me longer than it should when, unbelievably, I couldn't get my shirt on. The number kept twisting somehow, and I ended up pulling out 2 of the safety pins.

Out of transition and onto the bike, the course starts up hill. I had spent more time on the bike as well for this one, and was able to shave off better then 5 minutes.

T2 went smoothly and I went out with lead lined legs, though my times were great, sub-9's, and was able to cut more than 3 minutes off this 5k.

Overall, I cut more than 19 minutes off (1:36:32 vs 1:55:50).

I am thinking about upping the distance to the half....




Updated August 21st, 2005